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The next generation NVMe SDD Controller STAR1000P with even higher performance and lower power consumption will be delivered to market in 2019.

STAR1000P NVMe SSD Controller
STAR1000P is our second generation SSD controller. It supports PCIe Gen3x4, NVMe 1.3 and 8 flash channels, supporting up to 32TB capability. It provides excellent performance, reaching 3.5GB/s and 3GB/s for sequential read and write, and at least 600K IOPS for both random read and write. The write latency can be optimized up-to 10us. The third generation 4K LDPC technology is introduced in STAR1000P, enabling stronger error correction capability that can easily handle latest 3D TLC and QLC. With DVFS and finer dynamic clock gating technology, STAR1000P reduces power consumption to only 2W in full performance running mode. Regarding to enterprise features, STAR1000P enhances various error protection technologies, including PI, EEEC and in-line ECC, meeting the high demand for stability in enterprise application.

Product Performance

It supports PCIe Gen3x4, NVMe 1.3 and all on-shelf NAND flash (3D MLC, TLC, QLC) with StarLDPC® ECC engine.